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What is the price of Pundi X (pundix)?

The price of Pundi X (PUNDIX) is $0.432021 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $6,146,617. This represents a -2.969247517838628% price decline in the last 24 hours and a 2.612667081096179% price increase in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 260 Million PUNDIX, Pundi X is valued at a market cap of $111,879,117 .

What is the difference between npxs and Pundi X?

The total value of the NPXS token remains the same, hence instead of, for example $0.002 per token the list price of the Pundi X new token will be reflected by the market at $2 per token while the total number of your new Pundi X token will reduce by 1,000 from your current holding.

What is the Pundi X network?

One interesting and unique feature of the Pundi X network is that its devices are integrated into two blockchains – Ethereum and NEM. Nem (XEM) was chosen because it is popular with Asian financial institutions, and because it has the technology to enable nearly instantaneous payments.

What is the Pundi X roadmap?

In the Pundi X roadmap, the team plans to enable crypto payments from decentralized exchanges on XPOS and add buying of crypto from the decentralized wallet on XPOS.

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